snippets and pictures of our not-so-personal lives

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lions and Baby Names

Once again I have a picture of Mary from preschool. Her group learned about circus animals today and had a blast making lion masks! So cute - and the ears aren't even straight.
Part Two: Names???

As many of you know we are having issues coming up with ANY feasible names for this next little boy, and we are running out of time - fast. We feel strongly about using family names, and I'm also quirky about a few other things. We've looked at the genealogy on both sides of the family and nothing feels right. I'm kind of beginning to worry because we "knew" that Mary was supposed to be Mary and the same with Derrick. I'm thinking (not really) that maybe it might just be time to branch from family names and pick something we like out of the book. However, that doesn't feel right either. Mary and Derrick's names are both very family oriented. Mary being Danny's great grandmother and Derrick is my mother's maiden name. Even their middle names come from family. Mary's middle name is my mom's first name and Derrick's middle name is also Danny's middle name. So, I truly feel like a family name is waiting out there for this little guy. I just don't know what it is yet. Furthermore, I think that if I didn't use a family name this child would feel left out. I fully intend to discuss my children's name sakes with them. I already do with Mary. She knows that the "colorful" quilt we have on our bed at times was made by Mary Waite, grandpa's grandma. So, I guess the point of this long post about names is, do you think we should wait for the "right" name to come along? Or should I seriously start combing through the name book? Thanks for any opinions or advice.


Franziska Patterson said...

Combe through the book. As far as I know, things usually get revealed to us as we study it out - or simply do something to be prepared. Right now, you're not finding something in your genealogy. So, look elsewhere. You don't know how things will work out. With Sophia, the name was picked without ever looking anywhere for anything. Then (after the choice) I happened to find out that it was the middle name of both my great grandmother and my great great grandmother on my mom's side.

Start looking far and wide for a name you like. It may turn out to be a family name after all. Or, at least you're doing something and the 'right' name will come as you look.

Kari said...

Fran makes a good point. I'm willing to bet your genealogy is so long that there is bound to be someone with a name that you like, even if it is found in a book first. I don't know... At the same time, it would be sad to tell your other kids about their special name, and not have that for this baby. I say look in a book and then look in your history for the same name. (:

Natalie and Tyson Washburn said...

I think that family names have always been important to you both. Try going trough a couple more family names even if they are aunts and uncles. Like may Thomas for uncle Tom, or Doyle from uncle Doyle that passed away in the airplane crash. We have so many strong names that have a variety of backgrounds. Sorry if this is of no help. I love you all.
Maybe you could combine two names like yours was out of Marcie and Dorothy.

Natalie and Tyson Washburn said...

Thanks for your comments Darcie, yes I did join the blogging world, and yes it is very addictive haha. I am already having so much fun with it. I add this to my journal and it is just so great.
I am so happy that we have another form of keeping in touch, it is so fun to see the video's and the pictures of you. I don't think I have told you this and it may sound sappy, but you are a very good influence to me and are a very big idol of mine. I look at what you do and try to follow your example that you have set. Your such a great mom and wife, so thanks for helping me to be a better wife and hopefully one day a better mom. :)

Sarah and Troy said...

I think even if it's not a family name, you could go for names of someone you admire or find inspirational. That way you still have a story to tell them about their namesake. I know that's how the Andersons do it. Good luck!

Danny and Darcie said...

Thanks to everyone. We still haven't decided anything, but I feel better about it now. Now we just need to finish preparing for a baby to be in the house soon.

HeidiPie said...

I think that you should keep looking and write down some that you maybe like and maybe you'll be at the hospital and see the little guy and go, who know, he seems like a us. Hopefully, you won't just be there with them waiting for you to sign papers and choose a name though...haha