Mary is four and once again I am wondering how in the world did time go by so quickly? Mary is so big, and is such a wonderful helper with her younger brothers. I just can't imagine our lives without her. For her birthday we had a big combined family party/bbq on Labor Day, instead of celebrating on Sunday. She had a blast and loved being in the limelight.

This was taken on her birthday (I don't know how the dates on our camera got messed up, but I just noticed. Oops:) She is wearing her new church dress. So grown-up and adorable!

This is her helping me make the frosting for her birthday cake. She loves helping me in the kitchen.

This is her birthday cake. She wanted a smiley face cake with flowers on it. So we searched for pics of smiley cakes and found and M&M cake. She LOVED it so we made it, with a few additions - the flowers.

By the time I was done frosting the cake Mary had lost interest in helping me, so I did the M&M's myself. She, however, insisted on adding her own, it was after all her cake and she is a "big girl four-year-old" as she told me. Can you spot them?

Mary opening her my little ponies. She made Aunt Janelle jealous :)

Her bike helmet that she picked out herself. She didn't care what it looked like, she just wanted the one with the loud and obnoxious horn.

Mary's birthday bike.

The birthday chaos. Such fun!

Mary riding her bike. She is so proud to be able to ride a bike like Grandpa Waite. Mary insists that she is going to accompany him on one of his bike rides and make her cheeks all drippy just like grandpa.
Mary also wanted to put her own candles in her cake, so she did ;) Happy Birthday Mary! We love you!