snippets and pictures of our not-so-personal lives

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mary Post

kjdlf kkffnfkd,dkje ek;ejekyeiewuuttuhyughg hrhthtj thhtjlthgtgteghgtgjuriu8jrh grbhghthr rhrh rhrejhe /hdfgfgh/fbnbfvhgeghrv rrrrrhgrewggehegjtuu6uuujhrrhjytjbfhjjkofhfgvedvc nm yryrytryyryewywwueyetetyewteyvtyryttegrheejh3jy3yyy7bhfdhhjfjfjdjf fhjfkkfkfhbfvfhhfgghjjghjjjfhgnvbfjgjfjtuitugthtttttroip

Mary caught me blogging during the day (I try to blog after they are in bed) and asked to do her own post :)

Homemade Nativity

Mary asked a few days before Christmas why she hasn't been able to dress up like Mary yet? She was the angel for her preschool nativity, so she actually hadn't acted like Mary yet. Of course as soon as I started getting Mary dressed up Derrick wanted in on the fun too, and we just couldn't leave out Allen - so, this is what we pulled together - so cute! As we were doing this Mary was narrating the entire nativity story herself, and a little disappointed that we didn't at least have another child for a wise man or shepherd. All in good time munchkin :)

Behind Again

Once again I have allowed too much time to pass without posting anything. Now I am going to try to play catch up . . . again. Be prepared for a slew of new posts from the holiday's. Beginning with this picture of Uncle Nick. Mary thinks this picture is so funny that it deserves it's own post :) I might add that Nick is serving a mission in Russia right now, so these totally cool hats fit right in with the local styles.